Learn about What Happens to the Untold? and other on-going projects

About the conference

Different fields of study

Psychology, neuroscience and epigenetics have advanced in the studies of the intergenerational transfer of trauma.


Understand the direct influence of trauma and the usnpoken to the children and grandchildren's lives.

What trauma has to do with it?

Trauma can lead to don't wanting and not being able to speak.

why your story matter?

Museums can provide a more nuance and accurate picture of the past when acompanying objective truth with subjective narrative.

The Layers of the unspoken and the untold


Under the surface of our societies, there are thousands and thousands of stories that could add shades and details to a black-and-white picture of historical events. But many of these stories are too personal or too traumatic to share, and one may decide consciously or unconsciously not to tell anyone about happenings that have been crucial for one’s life.

However, the Unspoken can have long-term consequences also for the generations to come. It can directly influence the lives of one´s children and grandchildren and intergenerational relations and, on a higher level, our common perception of history.

Several fields of study, such as psychology, neuroscience, and epigenetics, regularly deal with the intergenerational transfer of trauma. Others, such as ethnology, anthropology, and history, have not yet fully embraced its importance, even if institutions such as museums have long since collected and disseminated personal narratives about the troubled past. Here, they were struck by the silence they were met with, and by the many layers of the Unspoken and Untold.

This international conference aims at gathering experts from different fields of studies to present a status quo of what we know today about the intergenerational transfer of the Unspoken. Through six lectures spread over to days, each of them highlighting one important aspect of a larger picture.

We are always looking for new Experts

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Key points about the
On-going projects

The researchers and collaborators have different backgrounds like ethnography, history, social anthropology and communications. 

Research project in Norway, What happens to the Unspoken?

The project’s objective is to study the transmission of unspoken and secret memories from one generation to another. The case studies are related to the long-term effects of the Second World War, and the starting point are findings within the international large-scale cooperation project “Identity on the Line” and its subprojects conducted in Norway and Lithuania. 

The main idea of the project is to provide knowledge of unknown affinities to the study of sensitive and tabooed topics and give it a scientific foundation still lacking within an ever-expanding field of museum activity. 

Identity on the Line

Identity on the Line (I-ON) is a large-scale cooperation project between six cultural history museums and one university, working together to explore the long-term consequences of different migration processes, forced or voluntary, which took place in Europe over the last 100 years.

Important questions

questions to be answered in the conference

How and when does intergenerational transfer happen, and what exactly is transferred between the generations? Which role does silence/the Unspoken play here?

What does this implicate for museums and researchers involved in researching, collecting and disseminating personal narratives about a troubled, unaddressed past?

What is important to have in mind, if the goal is to contribute to an increased quality of life for the informants and their descendents, as well as more sustainable, healthier societies?

General FAQ's

questions about the conference

The digital conference is completely free but all the participants must register to attend.

All the participants must fill in a registration form.

Yes, the conference will be recorded and will be uploaded in Identity on the Line’s YouTube channel.

If you want to know more about the other projects related to the conference you can get in contact with the leading researcher: Dr. Kathrin Pabst.

The Force Behind The Conference